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Muhammad Imran weighted 2.55 kilos at birth.
He slept through his first month mostly.
The first three weeks, aku tak berani dukung Imran langsung, eventhough I wanted to.
This coming Friday, Imran will be 3 months old. And he's almost 6 kilos already.
Not only has he gained in weight, I notice that my boy has develop his senses and is also more alert.
Imran responds when called and has come to recognise family members like Opah, MakSu and sister cousin Kak Fira, besides Nen & me, of course.
While he finds comfort in his Mak's arms, I am his entertainer. I talk to him all the time, and Imran goes goo-goo-gaa-gaa, as if talking to me.
I am reliable enough to feed him, and last weekend I successfully coaxed him to sleep without assistance from Nen.
Strangely, waiting for him to wake up in the morning actually is the highlight of my day.
Without fail, when he wakes up, the first thing he'll do is greet Nen & me both with his sweet smile. No shit. It happens every morning.
I have discovered one level of happiness never experienced before with Imran's presence in my life.
Imran, I know we're gonna be really good buddies.
Hari Ahad baru ni kat area Flat Perumahan Rakyat Desa Mentari PJS kat umah Mak Mertua aku polis sudah bawak & park satu bas yang diconvert jadi Balai Polis Bergerak.Petang semalam masa aku balik dari repair windscreen Fast Car, aku lalu jalan Kampung Lindungan. Ada roadblock polis.Pagi tadi masa nak beli breakfast, ada satu lagi roadblock kat area flat tersebut. On top of that, aku nampak jumlah anggota polis yang tak munasabah ramainya around the flats.Masa aku membeli makanan tu, aku terdengar orang di kedai cerita, malam Sabtu lepas ada gaduh bersenjata kat flat Desa Mentari. Inter-racial, dengarnya. Pergaduhan yang dah makan 3-4 hari berlaku hanya di waktu malam, depa kata.Aku malas nak comment about the gaduh-gaduh.But this is my dua kupang lima duit for a thought.Project Flat perumahan rakyat ni in my opinionnya memang cocktail yang perfect untuk jadi tempat gaduh (Sesama bangsa, dengan bangsa lain, dengan foreigner, semua sama je).
My argument is such:Letak beribu2 orang of various ethnicity di beberapa block flat berbelas tingkat yang posisinya rapat2.
Bayangkan manusia pelbagai bangsa dengan education background berbeza dilonggokkan di satu kawasan yang padat. Mana nak rasa selesa.
Kemudiannya, basic infrastructure nampaknya bukan priority here.Contoh paling senang, tengoklah lift di kawasan seumpama yang aku nyatakan tadi.Siapa pernah sampai kawasan flat rakyat ni sure perasan, mesti ada lift yang tak function.Lift yang berfungsi pulak, sure penuh grafitti ~ kadang-kadang sampai geli nak membaca apa yang tertulis di dinding2 lift itu.
Bayangkan betapa panasnya hati orang2 yang terpaksa menapak berbelas tingkat after a hard-day's work just to get home.
Isu pelupusan sampah tak yah ceritalah. Penuh sampah sarap je nampak sana sini.Satu lagi, buat flat beribu units, tapi parking space yang mencukupi tak pernah diusahakan. Percayalah, pasal parking boleh jadi isu gaduh sesama jiran tetangga. All is needed is sekor mamat yang kurang ajar tak tau law.Lagi satu yang gua perasan, in flat environment nih, bila petang/malam, budak2 muda akan dok berlonggok kat bawah ramai-ramai. Maybe keluarga besar ke, rumah sempit ke, tapi port diorang memang depan2 kedai, tepi jalan, playground area. Bila dah dok berkumpul, jadilah pelbagai geng. Kalau dah ramai, kes salah jeling pun boleh jadi gaduh besar, bai.Yang ada motor, akan bersepah2lah di jalan raya, sometimes menyusahkan orang dek darah muda diorang nih.
My conclusion is:Takkan lah bijak pandai kita tak pernah terpikirkan masalah yang bakal timbul masa dok plan penempatan semacam ini?Kalau persekitaran dah dijadikan macam nih, letak balai polis kat tengah2 pun tak kan dapat selesaikan masalah social yang timbul nih, bai.
I suffer from acute gout (atau nama penuhnya "Goutemala" ~heh heh, lawak bodoh).
When my joints swell, it hurts like hell.
Bila ada gout attack, I depend on one type of magic pill called 'Goutnil' (atau nama lainnya 'cholcicine'~ ini bukan lawak).
This is basically how the pill works:
I have to keep taking these tablets until diarrhea sets in.
In this case, the inability to stop shitting is actually good.
Every trip to the toilet flushes out uric acid which causes gout from my body.
But this post ain't about Gout 101.
Instead, here's my story about consumer-screwing.
I usually frequent a pharmacy in SS15 Subang Jaya to get my stock of Goutnil. All these while, the towkay charges me RM3 for a strip of 10 pills.
What he charges I consider fair, since ada some pharmacies sell the same medicine for RM4, or RM3.50 per strip.
Yesterday I had a gout attack, but the SS15 pharmacy ran out of Goutnil.
So I went to a pharmacy within driving distance dari situ (no way was I gonna walk that far with a swollen knee!) and to my surprise, they sold me the pills at RM2 per strip! I bought 5 strips terus.
I don't understand why the same type of medicine is sold at different prices? Even the packaging is the same, all produced by the same company.
Even when sold at RM2 per strip, I'm sure ada untung.
The bastard in SS15 buta-buta profits RM1 from every strip of Goutnil sold. Other bastards who sell it for more lagilah untung banyak.
This incident made me think.
This is an example of a small item. Sebijik ubat yang harganya 10 sen maybe, being sold at 30-40 sen to the public.
What about more expensive medicines? Brapa lak diorang muck-up?
It pisses me off to think ntah brapa banyak yang kedai ubat n pharmacies dah tipu consumers like me as far as medicines and health products are concerned.
Tapi I don't see any point in reporting this type of inconsistency to any authorities.
Silap haribulan, they'll ask you for a bribe first.
You don't have 50, 5 ringgit also they will wallop, trust me.
And them bastards in the government raised cigarette prices again.
Maybe so that Goutnil will be sold cheaper across Malaya.
Whateverlah, gua pergi berak dululah!
Ahad lepas, aku bawak Nen & Imran pergi open house member ketat gua Iman di Jalan Ipoh.
Since lama tak pergi ke rumahnya, aku confuse dengan jalan yang harus dilalui.
Sampai satu simpang, aku terpaksa cut queue kat traffic light.
Selepas traffic light tu, sekali satu patrol car polis pasang siren belakang aku.
Aku stop tepi jalan, and 2 orang polis keluar menuju aku. Sekor dari Sarawak, aku syak dari rupa wajah & cara percakapannya. Kat uniformnya tertulis nama 'Nick". Sekor lagi gemuk hitam. Melayu. Aku tak sempat nak tengok apa ke namanya.
Aku kasi IC, kasi lesen. Kereta aku takde outstanding summons.
Aku mintak tolong kat diorang jangan saman.
"Sekarang ramai orang benci polis. Cakap polis tak buat kerjalah. Ni kami menjalankan tugaslah ni. Encik nak kami tolong macam mana?" polis gemuk hitam mengeluarkan ayat standard Polis Malaya.
Masa tu aku sempat wonder, ada kelas special ke yang ajar polis2 kita cakap macam ni?
'Babi,' detik hati aku.
"Kalau saman, 300 inggit nih!" polis Sarawak nak gempak gua. "Tapi kami bukannya tak bertimbang rasa. Kami nak tolong Encik."
Si gemuk hitam cepat2 potong line, "Jadi macam mana, Encik? Saya saman nanti!"
Aku terus paham yang dua ekor lahanat nih nak pau aku.
"Saya ada 40 inggit je dalam wallet. Encik ambiklah 20," kataku dengan berat hati.
"20? Hmmm bolehlah. Oit! Wallet tu jangan tinggi sangat... nanti orang nampak," kata si gemuk hitam bila aku tunjuk isi wallet padanya.
Tahu pulak lahanat nih takut perbuatannya dilihat orang.
"Errrr, letak duit tu kat celah pintu kereta," si Sarawak mengarahkan aku.
Gua letak duit tu & terus chow.
Aku rasa palat sungguh sebab terpaksa beri rasuah kat dua ekor nih.
Betapa hinanya polis kita, dua puluh inggit pun diorang sapu.
Pastinya semua lalu-lintas yang nampak kereta aku ditahan polis bukannya berfikir "wah, berdedikasinya polis ini menjalankan tugas", bai.
Aku pasti semua berfikir, "polis tu cari duit kopilah tu."
Gua berani bet punya.
The question is, manusia2 kaki rasuah ini ke yang diexpectkan menjaga keamanan kita semua?
Padanlah takde siapa respect polis dah sekarang nih. Rupanya penuh pundek je!
Some where, some kid's test answer: