Monday, April 27, 2009

Thoughts In My Head

Scripts in hand ada 5. Yang dah aku finalisedkan dah 5.

So 10 scripts insyaallah boley clear by the 30th bulan ni.

1st target will be achieved.

Bila nak assign another 10 titles untuk quota May?


The first 2 episodes dah siap animation.

This week kerja 4 hari, esok baru nak start Episode baru.

Sure tak leh siap satu episode this week.

So, must we cut-short production time on the next episode?


This week kena settlekan post-production Ep01 & 02.

Animatics Ep03 in progress. Tapi esok dah nak start production.

Sempat ke?


Storyboards ada satu je in hand.

By this weekend aku expect 2 more storyboards in.

I need at least 3 storyboards per week.

3 in a week, possible tak maintain sampai June?


Aku kena record suara sendiri untuk dummy VO Ep03.

VO talent belum lock.

Looking for female VO for the narrator part.

Kena setkan audition session ni.

Ada siapa2 minat nak jadi VO talent gua?


These kind of production problems is what I live for.

Bila dapat solve soalan2 kat atas tu, akulah champion production.

Akulah Rocky Balboah, akulah Sivaji the boss.


Aku bersemangat waja hari ni.

Weekend lepas aku & Nen lepak kat PD dengan Abah & the rest of the family.

Pagi ni, otak aku fresh, kaki aku rasa much better, Alhamdulillah.

Moga dipermudahkanNya.

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