Thursday, July 30, 2009
Misteria Masalam
Inkues Setiausaha Politik Exco Selangor dedah 2 spesimen belum dikenal pasti
SHAH ALAM: Penemuan sampel DNA dua lelaki misteri di bahagian belakang pakaian dan tali pinggang Teoh Beng Hock menimbulkan persoalan pada hari pertama inkues berhubung kematian mendiang di Mahkamah Koroner di sini, semalam.
Maklumat mengenai penemuan sampel DNA lelaki misteri itu didedahkan peguam cara dan peguam bela Tan Hock Chuan yang bertindak sebagai Timbalan Pendakwa Raya bagi membantu Koroner Azmil Muntapha Abas pada prosiding inkues itu.
Bob's note:
Lepas ni maunya geng UMNO akan cakap ada DNA 2 lelaki misteri sebab Teoh tu gay sebenarnya, dan dia kantoi dia gay masa kena interrogate, malu, dan terus bunuh diri terjun bangunan.
Tak logik? Ini Malaya, bai... semua boleh beli punya!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Kawan Baru...
Aku sendiri still kena reducekan uric acid level by myself.
So I have to take a certain medication untuk keep the gout away. Unfortunately, I am elergic to the common medication for gout sufferers.
So Dr Balbir's re-prescribing me with Probenecid to keep the uric acid from causing gout attacks, which he already did last year.
My mistake was, aku tak continuously makan ubat tu. So I'm wrong there.
Next appointment : 22 Sept.
Itu kena buat blood test to determine uric acid.
The doctor told me that I'd have to take Probenecide for life if I want to be okay.
This time aku ikut cakap dia.
Tahap keinsafan aku amat tinggi for now.
Hehehehehehehe.... by the way, kenalkan...
Ni member kamcheng gua yang baru.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Nota Untuk Dunia : Bob Sedang Berubah!
This week aku dapat kerja 4 hari out of 5. Not bad, alhamdulillah.
Kaki pun tak sakit dah bila memijak, cuma aku manjakan kaki jangan pressure kuat2. Lagipun doctor pun suruh aku chill. Ni pergi bekerja pun dah kira langgar pantang MC yang doctor berikan.
Tomorrow aku kena gi check-up kat Melaka lagi.
Tapi insyaallah ok dah kut uric acid level aku... masa aku kena admit ke ward, uric acid level aku 648 readingnya, kalau tak salah. In my book, anything more than 500 is not good.
Lepas tu, this week aku betul2 jaga makan. Every morning aku breakfast makan cereals n milk je. Kalau tak, nasi lemak. Or mee goreng.
No red meat or seafood or whatever else yang aku tak leh makan.
This week, ayam & ikan sure benci aku, sebab itu je makanan yang aku pulun.
Ubat doctor pun aku makan tanpa gagal ikut masa.
Good boy, Bob!
Kita tengok esok apa doctor kata.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Berita Lawak dari Harian Metro
AMPANG: Wanita yang menikam suami hingga parah selepas berang dengan janji lelaki terbabit yang mahu pulang sejurus perlawanan bola sepak persahabatan antara Malaysia menentang Manchester United kini direman empat hari bermula semalam.
Ketua Polis Ampang Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Abd Jalil Hassan berkata, siasatan mendapati berlaku perselisihan faham antara pasangan terbabit sehari sebelum kejadian itu.“Mereka mempunyai masalah peribadi dan kemuncaknya berlaku apabila lelaki terbabit memungkir janji, Sabtu lalu menyebabkan isterinya naik angin.“
"Isterinya yang hilang kawalan itu menikam suaminya. Bagaimanapun polis masih menjalankan siasatan lanjut berhubung kejadian itu,” katanya.
Menurut Abd Jalil, suami wanita itu kini dilaporkan stabil dan akan dibenarkan pulang bila-bila masa selepas mendapat rawatan di Hospital Ampang.
Harian Metro semalam melaporkan seorang lelaki menjadi mangsa apabila ditikam isterinya selepas dia memungkiri janji.Wanita terbabit dikatakan berang dan menikam suaminya di dada sejurus dia pulang dari menonton perlawanan bola sepak berkenaan, kira-kira enam jam selepas itu.
Bob's remarks:
hehehehehehe.... mamat ni pun satu bahalol, janji nak balik 'sejurus' lepas abis game, tapi sampai umah 'enam jam' lepas abis game.
lu pergi dangdut ke apa sampai bini naik hantu!
Mimpi Ngarut
Kami jalan-jalan kat KL.
Round punya round, sampai depan satu hotel mantap yang tak bernama.
"Aku lapar la, jom makan kat sini?" Pian ajak.
"Mahal hotel ni, Pian... kita takde duit!" jawab Adik.
Dengan muka berlagak, aku potong cakap adik.
"Takpe, jom kita makan sini... aku ada duit..."
"Mana kau dapat?"
"Aku main Mafia Wars dapat kumpul duit banyak dah!"
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Now better concentrate on the healing process.
Friday, July 17, 2009
hospitals and love songs
My right foot's messed up bad. Balik dari Ipoh hari tu, things got worse and did not improve. I missed work quite a lot, too.
Nen tak sanggup dah tengok aku constantly in pain and insisted that we return to the foot doctors Balbir/Jeya to have the problem fixed.
Last year aku dah admitted ke sini gak, and they injected steroid to the affected joints. The problem was, lepas tu, 2-3 bulan I was out of action.
I refused at first nak ke hospital ni, thinking of the consequences. I am in the middle of a production, and I can't afford to miss work. Aku kan kuli orang, mana ada that luxury. But dengan kaki yang tak baik2, macam mana aku nak keje. Problem still not solved.
Selasa baru ni, when I failed to go to work again pasal kaki sakit sangat, I finally gave in and agreed to seek real treatment.
Nen si kesayangan aku memang one great woman.
Sepanjang2 aku sakit, dah makan tahun dah ni since we married, memang dia jaga aku sebaik mungkin. Segala kerenah aku yang sakit dia layan dengan sabar. And being a man, bila aku sakit, memang aku macam baby mengadanya. Itu fact.
Macam2 usaha Nen nak tengok aku sihat balik - dia jaga aku dengan baik sampai kesihatan dia sendiri kadang2 terabai, and sanggup bawak aku ke mana saja and do whatever it takes to help me get better again.
Ya Allah, you blessed me with a very good wife.
Aku je yang selalu tak appreciate kasih sayang Nen. So aku berjanji, I will work on improving my health, just for one reason. Remember how I used to sing "I wanna grow old with you", Nen? I really do, and I plan to keep my part of the deal. The promise is no good if I don't last that long.
Anyway, tadi siang, the doctor repeated the same procedure on the same joints kat kaki aku. 3 steroid jabs and a promise that esok aku boley discharge plus a one month MC.
Takut nanti masuk balik office, some other bloke dah take over my place. Aku ni kan kuli orang, dan kuli boley direplacekan bila2 masa je.
Dah la pagi tadi sebelum aku nak ke OT, sekali apek roommate aku (aku amik 2-bedded room) stopped breathing sampai seluruh floor nurse n doctors kelam-kabut keluar masuk bilik ni trying to save him. Nen pulak dah gi keje time tu. And tengok apek yang aku baru kenal malam sebelumnya jadi macam tu, serabut kepala aku. A lot of things played at the back of my head.
The truth is, aku ada mixed feelings pasal hospitals, especially Mahkota Medical Centre ni.
Dulu arwah Mak selalu in and out of hospitals dengan sakit brain tumournya and aku cukup benci bila Mak terpaksa keluar masuk hospital. The last few years of her life, at least 6 bulan dlm setahun Mak spent kat hospital.
Lagi tak bestnya adalah Mak aku meninggal di Mahkota Medical Centre ni, where I am confined now. Incident apek tua tu tadi memang ala-ala flashback how Mak pernah kena masa kat hospital ni.
Menitik air mata aku selepas anak2 apek tu clearkan barang2 dia untuk pindah ke ICU, sebab aku tahu perasaan diorang. Been there, done that, huh?
I won't let Nen go through that same experience.
I love you, Nen.
I still want to play you the same song even when we're old.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
"Tak mengenang budi langsung!"
The DJs accepted calls dari pendengar pasal isu 'tak mengenang budi.'
Sekali ada satu minah ni call. Dia kata dia cikgu.
Kisahnya, dia cerita masa Hari guru baru ni, hanya 3 ke 4 orang anak murid dia beri hadiah or ucapkan selamat kat dia.
Dia cerita, dia tanya murid-murid dia kenapa tak ucap or beri hadiah pada guru2, dan budak2 tu jawab,"Cikgu, tak payahlah berharap."
Dia siap cakap, amat tak mengenang budi betul anak-anak murid dia ni.
Aku terpikir masa tu jugak, apa jenis cikgu akak ni?
Berapa ramai guru-guru dalam Malaysia ni nak di puja, dan mahu diraikan macam Cikgu yang sorang ni?
Kau mengajar tiap bulan dapat gaji, annual leave, elaun, laptop, siap boley jual tudung kat Bilik Guru, lagi mau cerita pasal nak budimu dikenang?
Guru-guru yang hebat tak payah mintak pun semua ni dari anak murid mereka; recognition dan appreciation datang tanpa perlu diungkit atau dipaksa.
Aku kesian tengok cikgu sorang ni yang gilakan perhatian. Tergamak cakap anak murid tak kenang budi dia just kerana dia tak dapat hadiah Hari Guru. Dia tak pikir yang kalau budak2 ni jadi manusia yang baik dan pandai hasil didikan dia, itulah hadiah yang lebih bermakna.
Masa balik STAR baru ni pun, timbul gak cerita cikgu-cikgu demand itu ini sampai semua orang meluat.
Aku risau cikgu2 kita ni tak paham beza antara pengajar dengan pendidik.
Kepada akak cikgu yang tak dikenang budinya ini, baik berenti mengajar lah. Dok umah jaga anak, moga anak2 sendiri kenang la budi kamu si akak oi.
Apalah nak jadi dengan Malaya kita, bai?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Siapa bodoh, siapa pandai?
Kawan-kawan aku dah 5 bulan tak bergaji.
Masa2 sebulan dua yang lepas ni aku ada terima resume dari beberapa staff sana yang baru kelam-kabut nak mencari kerja.
Aku heran pasal apa diorang tak bertindak lebih awal.
Dan lebih menghairankan, masih ada orang yang percaya pada management yang dah banyak kali menipu (janji atas janji gaji akan dibayar sekian2 haribulan tapi habuk pun tarak sampai dah 5 bulan & pemotongan EPF dibuat tanpa dicarumkan antara contoh penipuan yang dilakukan company X itu).
Tapi yang lebih teruk, ada jugak staff yang apply personal loan atas request tokeh untuk bantu company dengan janji Company X akan bayar hutang bank setiap bulan, akhirnya diblacklistkan dan akan diheret ke mahkamah.
Gila ah!
Apakah mandrem yang dipakai tokeh, hingga staff yang bijak pandai boley percaya dan akhirnya kena tipu?
Ubat apakah yang diguna pakai mampu menjadikan seseorang itu delusional sampai level begitu sekali?
Conclusion aku buat, sesungguhnya hanya orang bodoh dapat ditipu si gila.
Alhamdulillah aku dah blah awal2.
Dan kini aku hanya mampu berasa kasihan yang teramat sangat pada mereka.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
OBW'09 - What Others Say (part 2)
OBW2009: Been There, Done That
Wednesday, 01 July 2009 11:10
I've been to a few Old Boys Weekends before. Unfortunately none was as interesting as this year's. And I never did this before, I chose to stay at the school hostel instead of Casuarina and boy, it was an experience of a lifetime.
There was not much to complain about the OBW 2009. The organization was flawless, the support was good and the show was AWESOME. Not just great but awesome. The MC, Bob Daniel was superb and the presentation from the students MAGNIFICENT, nothing less than that. Great organization, great food and great show.
Even the AGM was different. Normally, it took just 45 minutes to conclude an AGM and maybe shorter when there was no election. This time, it took slightly more than two hours and members took turn to voice up their views - it would end up longer if the President didn't put a stop to the number of people wanted to speak. They even approved two emergency resolutions, something unheard of before. For those absent from the AGM, there were two emergency resolutions: the financial year now ends on the 31st of December instead of 30th June and secondly, life membership has been abolished.
In my not so humble opinion, Dato' Hamzah has managed to put some new life into the organization. We, STAROBA members, were actually zombies walking in the dark - not knowing our direction, not seeing anything good. No wonder members didn't bother to update their profiles, to pay their fees or to participate in anything (if there's anything worthwhile to participate). Now the committee members need to show more professionalism - we need to meet members' expectations. OBW 2009 has started a new era for STAROBA. Besides the grand dinner there was a special dinner for the teachers. For the first time, teachers were accorded recognition for their contributions. And according to Dato' Hamzah, this will become a permanent feature of any future OBW.
I stayed at White House. It was a wise decision. Of course, there was no air-conditioner but there were lots of fans and mosquitoes too. And a lot of late night talks - actually for the two days I was in STAR I slept for a few hours only. How could you fall asleep when you have people like Haji Amin Jidon, Sukhini Hamid, Mokhtar Hamid, Chot Padzin and Zulkifli Ishak sharing the same room. Even Khalid Siran was there. Naturally, leadership of the pack fell to Amin Jidon. He made sure the place was actually free of mosquitoes by spraying the whole room and took time to light up mosquito coils at every corner of the room. In my not so humble opinion again, the hostel looked much better compared to 40 years ago. The only problem was the bathroom - by the look of it repair works were shabby and low quality with gallons of water leaking everywhere, broken doors and slimy floor.
I arrived in Ipoh on the 26th, at about 7:30 pm. So I drove straight to Casuarina. STAROBA was hosting a dinner for the teachers. It was supposed to honour the teachers but unfortunately not all the teachers turned up. Perhaps, they had an excuse - Saturday and Sunday were registration days for new students for most IPTAs - so we expected some absentees. But there were some who simply chose not to turn up. And Adnan, the new PK1, was there. He was from Batch 77. The only odd moment was when the headmaster pled with STAROBA not to blog on divisive issues. I can't remember exactly whether he was referring to actual articles or to comments within the articles. And when Tamunif, who was MC for the night, introduced me as the guy who wrote all those damning pieces all eyes were on me. I guess Tamunif was right to do that. For me, it is simple - I stand for what I wrote. The only setback for the occasion was the low turnout. The event was prepared in a short notice - so we could not prepare it in a grand scale and the prizes were bought in the last minute too. But expect something bigger next year.
I spent the next morning peddling books. STAROBA has published two books - one about ten years ago and one during the Golden Jubilee. Lots are still unsold. And there was even a question about the book during the AGM. Sukhini Hamid, the great salesman, sold out the book STAR Through The Years within an hour. But we had problem selling the coffee table book - I managed to sell less than 20. The book is not well-designed and over-printed. I decided to sell the books as part of my contribution to STAROBA - to pay for the web site hosting. STAROBA wanted to pay for it but I chose to do it my way, I decided to use proceeds from the sale to finance our web site. And I can tell you, I collected more than enough - a total of RM1,200.00. All thanks to Sukhini Hamid, the great sportsman turned salesman.
There was a rugger match that afternoon. STAR U-15 v MCKK U-15. For those who missed it, they should search for it on the net. I'm sure parts of the game would be published on YouTube. STAR U-15 rugby team started only 3 months ago compared to MCKK who has been practicing for almost a year. There were many reasons why we started late but the most obvious was a silent campaign by some people to ostracize rugby - it was called un-Islamic, bad for academic and many other things. But they persevered. I was surprised when they managed to kick MCKK asses 9-5. It shows the desire is still there.
But the greatest show was the concert. It was a great show in every way. Have you seen a GELI dance? It is not GELI as we know what GELI is - it is a Tamil word and from a Tamil movie. I don't have enough words to say about the show, especially the performances by the students. They were just beyond words - awesome, grand, breathtaking, splendid, remarkable, amazing and astounding. That explains everything. It was the best show ever - and a few weeks earlier I had watched Black Dog Bone at Istana Budaya and I thought the show was great but the one put up by Batch 89 was ten times better.
After taking over as President, Dato' Hamzah asked Tamunif and me to take a closer look at the state of preparation by Batch 89. He was really frustrated with last year's show. The first time I attended their meeting I knew they could do it. Almost the whole batch was there - and they had prepared everything from A to Z. They spent time selling their ideas to STAROBA, they went everywhere to sell that RM50 ticket, to Sungai Petani, to Seremban and even put up an online registration. I guess Dato' Hamzah was very pleased with their commitment when he asked his Ministry to sponsor the whole dinner. We should credit Batch 89 for putting up the grandest show ever.
See you next year, guys - STAROBA Editor
PS: The guy next to me at the registration booth was selling nice t-shirt with the words BEEN THERE, DONE THAT with a nice STAR logo embroidered at the back. That's how I got the title of this article. In case any of you wonder, the quotation BEEN THERE, DONE THAT started in Australia in early 80s. It spread out like wildfire when Pink Floyd sold t-shirts with the same quote not many years later.
* Bob's Note:
The guys selling the t-shirts by the way, are Rimie Blues and Mamah Juwie of the eightyniners. They still have some BEEN THERE DONE THAT t-shirts available ~ any one interested can check out the eightyniners' website at They told me you can purchase online too!
In case you noticed, there was also a mention of my gig as the MC. Alhamdulillah, that night I managed to do what I'm best at, that is making people laugh.
All the elements were right ~ Awet Kobeq as partner in crime ("sorry bro, I had to think fast. People weren't laughing. But it was a good one, won't you say? Hehehehe), the performers simply blew every one's mind away ("the geli performance is unforgettable!"), the sound system was outstanding, we had good food, and a great crowd.
Yet that Saturday night, it was know to my buddies that my legs were in excruciating pain. Bastard gout! By the way, kudos Dr Bad Muda for the jab!("It's good to have doctor friends") I slept all afternoon, but when I woke up, my legs still had slight pains.
On stage that night, with my legs still shitting on me, before the show started, it all came down to just one simple point for me: I CANNOT let my batch down! We are talking about batch reputation here. Do it, or do it!!
And Alhamdulillah, it turned out better than alright, eay, guys? I'm glad people don't care so much that I forgot to call Hakimi to read the doa makan, but rather choose to remember my jokes instead. And it matters very little to the fact that I am confined to only walking around my room with the aid of a walker eversince returning from the OBW because of chronic gout attack. Hell, it's worth it!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
OBW'09: What Others Say...
So, here it goes:

Assalamualaikum Starobs.

Registration counter yang sibuk

Eightyniners' main man Shahlan Shukor (a.k.a Tolib) bersama VIPs.

Antara super seniors batch awal2 yang hadir

Van Milo yang berjasa menghilangkan dahaga

Colobque the auditor talking to the Fith Formers during the Career Talk Session

The boys listening attentively to Dr Agok's lawak stim
Kerjaya by Kementerian Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi (Saturday morning) - I missed this event, but from what I gathered, it was well conducted and very well received by our boys.
Saturday morning Games: Starobs vs STAR Teachers volleyball; Inter-Batch Futsal; and Inter-House 7-A-Side Under-15 and Under-18 Football - all were very well coordinated. It's a pity that one was spoilt for choice between the futsal and the 7-A-Side football matches. (As it happened, I chose to watch the 7-A-Side football and was rewarded with the pleasure of watching White House winning the Under-18 championship! !!!)

Volley ball STAROBA vs STAR

Interhouse 7-A-side football

Inter Batch Futsal







Opening Act - Class of 89 singing the school song.

Awet: ... as we take you down Tiger Lane!
The Audience: ?????? (tak de respon)
Bob : Hmmmm.... lawak best student!
The Audience: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Awet: (Siut, Bob, kena aku seround!)
As for the entertainment, the MC was articulate and witty, and the talent show, by any standard, was simply superb. Altogether the boys put up three songs ( a rendition each of Jonas Brothers' "Burnin' Up"; Sweet Charity's "Kamelia", and Kenny, Remy & Martin's "Suratan Atau Kebetulan "), and three performances (a Black and White dance; a Sponge Box/Michael Jackson show; and a rock dance by a group by the name of "Geli" in black spectacles dancing to the tune of a ....wait for it.... Tamil rock song!!!!
The Rockaholics

Spongebob pun ada!

The Geli Boys - the crowd simply loved their moves!

STAR's new rugby jersey, courtesy of the eightyniners
IIt's proven, boys, that we are the best!
Starobs vs Starprebs Rugby (Sunday Morning) - the fact that the prebs made short work of their seniors was a reassuring sign that all is well with the STAR rugby tradition.

Pakai jersey baru, the school team won! Bravo STAR!!
Sunday Farewell lunch at the dining hall - well attended. The baton was passed on to Batch 1990.
Good luck Batch '90 ~ we expect next year to be better!