Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My new IP... My latest 'baby'...

Hari nih aku meluap-luap dengan aura positif. I am very pleased with myself, indeed.

Puncanya, semalam aku berjaya siapkan proposal/concept bible untuk my latest animation IP*. My latest baby is ready for the world, baby!

I've toyed with a story idea since last year lagi ~ cuma officially, my initial notes show that aku started developing my idea seriously since early January this year.

Sepanjang 6 bulan nih, nak menyiapkan write-up nih bukannya senang, bai. Prosesnya amat renyah sekali. Dah la my current project 'Asian Legends' nih masih tengah on lagi. Selepas seharian bekerja kat studio ni, betapa penat gua kena tune kepala otak untuk develop my own IP pulak lepas time kerja.

Mula-mula nak petik idea cerita yang mantap & different from what has been seen before. Nakkan kelainan, under tajuk yang sama, aku ada 5 ke 6 version storyline & plot yg berbeza-beza. Re-writing the storyline je makan 3-4 bulan dari masa aku this year.

Dah puas hati dengan tu semua, kena create characters berserta personaliti masing-masing yang unik pulak. The mixture of the story and the characters kena kasi mesra betul2, everything must jive, barulah ia jadi betul-betul 'hor liaw'!

Once the storyline & character description dah ada, I had to turn to the experts, my trustworthy friends to help design the characters and also the background look & concept. From the many stroke styles and concepts suggested, aku kena pilih & lockkan pulak concept and animation style yang paling cun dengan cerita yang kutulis.

Once all of the idea/story/look & feel dah settle, everything must next be translated to a proposal document which include other actual production input like the production timeline, manpower and budget.

I am extremely happy today because the proposal looks good once it is ready, with the coloured characters and all on the printed pages.

How I wish I can share the details pasal cerita baru aku ni kat sini, but the thing about IP is that ianya terlalu senang dicilok. Karang gua penat2 abis masa, pecah pala nak pikir cerita, mamat lahanat lain yang nanti buat duit.

So korang kena la tunggu sampai ada perkembangan lain yang aku rasa sesuai & selamat nak dikongsi pasal my new story nih di masa depan.

* Btw, IP di sini bukan bermaksud 'Inspektor Polis', tapi adalah 'Intellectual Property.'


faiz said...

tahniah bro! hopefully everything is materialised mengikut spesifikasi lu

Bob Danial said...

Ya Allah, amiiin!